Add Groups and Create Application Configurations

To add a group simply click on the + button.

Add group

A new window opens:

Create group

  1. Specify a Group Name and optinally a insert a Description. Specification of group names makes it easier for your colleagues to find the right group and you can additionally search through the descriptions.
  2. Under Available Configurations you will find all of your application configurations that you created previously.
  3. To add configurations to your group, click on the +. A window will open to create the configurations you want to add:

Create Application Configuration

Keep in mind that you should create application installations with parameters and variables. Never should we create hardcoded values in the installation scripts.

You can create multiple configurations with different parameters for the same application.

A configuration is a set of options, that are attached to an application.

Create configuration via groups

Fill in the following fields so that the configuration can be created:

  • Package name

  • Name of author

We suggest putting a prefix in front of the application name like: INSTALL_APP_Adobe_ReaderDC_2062004243423_W10_x64_DE_REV5

All other switches and parameters depend on the application you want to deploy.

  • DeploymentType: Choose between

    • Install

    • Uninstall

  • DeployMode: Choose between

    • Silent

    • Interactive

    • NonInteractive

These are the additional parameters and definitions:

  • AllowRebootPassThru: Specify whether to allow the 3010 exit code (reboot required) to be passed back to the parent process (e.g. MEMCM) if detected during an installation. If a 3010 code is passed to MEMCM, the MEMCM client will display a reboot prompt. If set to false, the 3010 return code will be replaced by a “0” (successful, no restart required).

  • TerminalServerMode: Changes to user install mode and back to user execute mode for installing/uninstalling applications on Remote Desktop Session Host/Citrix servers.

  • DisableLogging: Disables logging to file for the script.

After selecting the configurations, you will find the added configuration under Selected Configurations:

Selected configurations

Example edit configurations

  1. Change the installation order by using the Burger Menu on the left of each group to the location where you want them to be installed.
  2. Edit the application configuration directly with the Arrow.
  3. Delete the selected configurations by clicking on -.

Add additional configurations by choosing them under Available Configuration.

The next step is to add groups to roles.